Atlas of Human Anatomy
Postcentral sulcal arteries
, 142
Postcentral sulcus
, 106, 143
Posterior chamber of eye
, 83, 89–92
Posterolateral (dorsolateral) fissure
, 114
Posteromedial central (paramedian)
, 141
Posteromedial central (perforating)
, 141
Postganglionic fibers
, 53, 133, 135
of autonomic reflex pathways
, 304
of kidneys and upper ureters
, 318
of liver and biliary tract
, 306
of pancreas
, 307
of reproductive organs
, 393–394
of urinary bladder and lower ureter
, 395
Postlunate fissure
, 114
Postnatal circulation
, 226
Potential spaces, female
, 343
Poupart’s, Inguinal ligament
, 242,
245–247, 255–258, 329, 336, 355, 358–359,
385, 468, 470, 472, 479, 485, 488
, 255
Pre-aortic lymph nodes
, 296, 384, 386
Precaval lymph nodes
, 316
Prececal lymph nodes
, 296
Precentral cerebellar vein
, 145
Precentral gyrus
, 106
Precentral sulcal arteries
, 142–143
Prechiasmatic groove
, 11
Precordial areas, of auscultation
, 210
Preculminate vein
, 145
Precuneal artery
, 143
, 107
Prefrontal artery
, 140, 142
Prefrontal sulcal arteries
, 143
Preganglionic fibers
, 53, 133, 135
of autonomic reflex pathways
, 304
of kidneys and upper ureters
, 318
of liver and biliary tract
, 306
of pancreas
, 307
of reproductive organs
, 393–394
of urinary bladder and lower ureter
, 395
Preganglionic sympathetic cell bodies
53, 133–135
Premammillary artery
, 141
Premolar teeth
, 62–63
Prenatal circulation
, 226
Preoccipital notch
, 106
Prepatellar bursa, subcutaneous
, 498
Prepontine cistern
, 110
, 344, 366
of clitoris
, 354
Preputial (Tyson’s) gland, opening of
, 360
Prepyloric vein
, 289, 291
Prerectal muscle fibers (of Luschka)
, 339
Pre-rolandic arteries
, 142–143
Presacral fascia
, 343, 374
Presacral space
, 343, 374
Pretracheal fascia
, 26, 64
visceral layer of
, 199
Pretracheal lymph nodes
, 76
Prevertebral anastomoses
, 168
Prevertebral fascia
, 26, 47, 64–65
Prevertebral muscles
, 30
Prevesical fascia, umbilical
, 344
Prevesical lymph nodes, lateral
, 316
Prevesical plexus
, 386
Prevesical space
, 374
Primary fissure
, 114
Primary teeth
, 62
Princeps pollicis artery
, 435, 453
Procerus muscle
, 25, 35, 124, 151
Processus vaginalis
, 364
Profunda brachii artery
, 415, 418–421
superior lateral
, 413
Profunda femoris artery
, 487–489, 491–492,
perforating branches of
, 480, 488
Profunda femoris vein
, 492
Promontorial (middle sacral) lymph
, 316, 384, 386
, 94
, 157, 330, 333–334, 336, 340, 342,
345, 390
measurements of
, 332
with tympanic plexus
, 95
Pronator quadratus muscle
, 426, 434,
436–437, 450, 452, 463, 467
Pronator teres muscle
, 405, 417, 419, 426,
431–434, 436–438, 460, 463, 467
Proprioceptive fibers
, 123
, 249, 321, 339, 344, 348, 361–363,
367, 369
apex of
, 362
base of
, 362
capsule of
, 348
central zone of
, 362
fibromuscular stroma of
, 362
innervation of
, 163–164
lymphatic drainage from
, 386
peripheral zone of
, 362
primordium of
, 367
transitional zone of
, 362
Prostate gland
, 396
Prostatic ducts, openings of
, 362–363
Prostatic plexus
, 317, 388, 394–395
Prostatic sinus
, 362–363
Prostatic urethra
, 348, 363
Prostatic utricle
, 362–363, 367
Prostatic venous plexus
, 381
Proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint
, 398,
Psoas fascia
, 176, 315
Psoas major muscle
, 176, 192, 255,
258–260, 262, 271, 308–309, 315, 328, 341,
343, 345, 378, 479, 483, 485–486, 525,
nerves to
, 484–485
origin of
, 483
transverse section of
, 327–328
Psoas minor muscle
, 258, 328, 341, 345,
nerves to
, 484–485
origin of
, 483
Psoas muscles
, 491
, 6
Pterygoid artery
, 51
, 51
, 51
Pterygoid canal
, 54
artery of
, 51, 54–55, 96, 138
nerve (vidian) of
, 39, 41, 52–53, 55, 96,
123–124, 126, 132, 134, 136
Pterygoid fossa
inferolateral view of
, 16
posterior view of
, 16
Pterygoid fovea
, 17
Pterygoid hamulus
, 6, 10, 16, 37, 49–50, 57,
65, 68, 70, 100
of newborn
, 45
Pterygoid muscle
, 6, 42, 49–51, 151
, 24, 42, 47, 49–51, 57, 67, 71, 151
Pterygoid nerve (V
, 50, 71, 123
, 49–50, 71, 123
Pterygoid plate
, 15–16, 42, 49, 70, 100
, 16, 49, 57, 65, 68, 100
hamulus of
, 15
, 55
Pterygoid plexus
, 73, 87
deep facial vein from
, 3
Pterygoid process
hamulus of
, 6, 10, 16, 37
lateral plate of
, 6, 8, 10, 16, 37–38
medial plate of
, 6, 8, 10, 16, 37–38
of newborn
, 45
pterygoid fossa of
, 10
scaphoid fossa of
, 10
Pterygomandibular raphe
, 15, 47, 49, 51,
57, 65, 68, 70
Pterygomaxillary fissure
, 6
Pterygopalatine fossa
, 6, 54
nasal branches in
, 53
pterygopalatine ganglion in
, 53
Pterygopalatine ganglion
, 39, 41, 52,
54–55, 61, 71, 122–124, 126, 132, 134, 136,
ganglionic branches to
, 52
pharyngeal branch of
, 61
in pterygopalatine fossa
, 53
schema of
, 134
Pubic arch
, 243, 330
measurements of
, 332
Pubic bone
, 321, 335–336, 361
growth of
, 347
sagittal CT images of
, 375
transverse section of
, 397
Pubic crest
, 255, 338
Pubic ligament, inferior
, 243, 330, 336–339,
343–344, 346, 355, 361
Pubic ramus
, 530
, 243, 330, 337, 340, 348, 473–474,
, 243, 330, 333–334, 338, 340, 344,
360, 473–474, 480, 483, 486
radiograph of
, 331
Pubic symphysis
, 242–243, 255–256, 258,
329–330, 333, 336–340, 343–344, 346, 355,
357–358, 361, 380, 397, 530
measurements of
, 332
radiograph of
, 331
superior portion of
, 396
Pubic tubercle
, 242–243, 246–247, 256, 258,
329–330, 333–334, 338–339, 355, 360, 473,
Pubic vein
, 260
, 244
body of
, 396
radiograph of
, 331, 475
symphyseal surface of
, 390
Pubocervical fascia
horizontal portion of
, 351
vertical portion of
, 351
Pubococcygeus muscle
, 335–339, 350, 373
Pubofemoral ligament
, 474
Puboprostatic ligament
, 346
, 346
Puborectalis muscle
, 321, 335, 337–339,
373, 397
, 335
Pubovesical ligament
, 343, 346
, 343, 346
Pudendal artery
, 370
, 251, 259, 379, 487, 499
, 245, 251, 259, 379, 487, 499
, 259, 314, 357, 361, 376, 380–383,
396–397, 486
perineal branch of
, 361
Pudendal canal (Alcock’s)
, 291, 370, 376,
380, 382–383, 389, 391
Pudendal cleft
, 354
Pudendal nerve
, 160, 262, 303, 370, 383,
388–397, 484, 486, 489–490
Pudendal vein
, 370
, 252, 260
, 379, 487
, 245, 379, 470, 487
, 260, 291, 377, 383, 396–397
Pterygoid process
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